
From The WMD Library

The Dhimmi

The Dhimmi is a non-Muslim, an infidel, living in a land conquered by Islam. He pays a special tax, the Jizya, which buys him "protection". There are, however, numerous restrictive conditions he must meet but his so-called "rights" can still be withdrawn. Even the right to life.

The Harbi

Living in his non-Muslim land, the Harbi is blissfully unaware of the fate Islam reserves for him. When his country is one day taken over by Islam, he'll be a Dhimmi no doubt.

The Law

The Law is one of the founder members of the band. The Law was once a real lawyer but after 9-11 he started reading and studying.

Judge for Y'Self

We've taken a great deal of care over what we say in our songs and what we've written on our website. We're not trying to tell you what to think. We hope that the information we present here will help you reach your own conclusions.

Pages in category "Characters"

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Media in category "Characters"

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