The WMD Library:Link Lists

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Book Quotes sorted by book title

{{Web citation inline|Dimmi - Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th Edition by Hans Wehr|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Damma - Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th Edition by Hans Wehr|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Dimma - Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th Edition by Hans Wehr|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Churchill's response to King Ibn Saud's demand that he not drink or smoke - Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by Richard Langworth|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Hindus vs Moslems - Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by Richard Langworth|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Equality among believers (adult men only, that is) - Holy War, Just War: Islam and Christendom at War by Roberto De Mattei|book}}
{{Web citation inline|All territory taken from infidels became the property (fay) of the state - Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The second International Conference in Support of the Arab Peoples in Cairo January 1969 - resolutions - Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by Bat Ye'or|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Hand-in-hand with jihad goes dhimmitude - Onward Muslim Soldiers by Robert Spencer|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Sharia Law Definition - Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World by Gregory M. Davis|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The absence of large-scale jihad in the modern era is due not to a change within Islam - Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmi Taxation and it's Usage - The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Historical Outline - Chapter 1 - The Dhimmi by Bat Ye'or|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Winston Churchill's summary of Mein Kampf|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Facts are better than dreams - The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Here was the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message. The main thesis of Mein Kampf is simple. - The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The passionate desire for peace which animated the uninformed, misinformed majority of the British people - The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The Complete Text - The Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husayn Haykal|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Historical Amnesia: Naming Jihad and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The Genesis of a Myth by Ibn Warraq - The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims by Robert Spencer|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Every woman must belong to some man - The River War, first edition, Vol. II by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! - The River War, first edition, Vol. II by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|The religion of blood and war - The Story of the Malakand Field Force by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Winston Churchill versus The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC)|book}}
{{Web citation inline|This is the price we have to pay for the anti-Jewish policy which has been persisted in for some years - Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|United States of Europe under the Nazi command - Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Wage jihad and plunder the wealth of non-believers - Understanding Muhammed by Ali Sina|book}}
{{Web citation inline|Putting Koran 9:29 into context - Understanding Muhammed by Ali Sina|book}}

Books sorted by Book Title

{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations|Richard Langworth|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|Holy War, Just War: Islam and Christendom at War|Roberto De Mattei|by}}
{{Book link|Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide|Bat Ye'or|by}}
{{Book link|Islam: What the West Needs to Know|Gregory M. Davis|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|Onward Muslim Soldiers|Robert Spencer|by}}
{{Book link|Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World|Gregory M. Davis|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|The Dhimmi|Bat Ye'or|by}}
{{Book link|The Gathering Storm|Winston Churchill|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS|Robert Spencer|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims|Robert Spencer|by}}
{{Book link|The River War, first edition, Vol. II|Winston Churchill|by}}
{{Book link|The Story of the Malakand Field Force|Winston Churchill|by}}
{{Book link|Their Finest Hour|Winston Churchill|by}}
{{Book link|||by}}
{{Book link|Understanding Muhammed|Ali Sina|by}}

Web Citations sorted by Author

{{Web citation inline|Terror must be normal part of life: Al-Qaeda - September 17, 2007 by A Reporter}}
{{Web citation inline|Turkey's president opens OIC summit - April 14, 2016 by Al Jazeera}}
{{Web citation inline|Quran Teaches - Terror - Undated by Ali Sina}}
{{Web citation inline|What is Wrong with Bouchard-Taylor Report - May 26, 2008 by Ali Sina}}
{{Web citation inline|Islam is Terror - March 4, 2008 by Alie Siraj}}
{{Web citation inline|This is what we have to look forward to! - January 8, 2015 by American Bikers United Against Jihad - ABUAJ}}
{{Web citation inline|Islam's Apartheid - September 18, 2006 by Amil Imani}}
{{Web citation inline|British Media Wimp Out Of Printing Charlie Hebdo Front Page - January 13, 2015 by Andre Walker}}
{{Web citation inline|Jihad and Dhimmitude: Victimless Islamic Institutions? - December 3, 2002 by Bat Ye'or, Andrew G. Bostom}}
{{Web citation inline|Sanctioning Human Wrongs - September 7, 2007 by Anne Bayefsky}}
{{Web citation inline|How much does it cost to buy global TV news? APTN case study - May, 2010 by Annonymous}}
{{Web citation inline|How to use the Hans Wehr Dictionary - January 1, 2005 by Arabic Language Lessons}}
{{Web citation inline|Does the Koran's Verse 5:32 Forbid the Killing of Non-Muslims? - January, 2006 by Archi Medes}}
{{Web citation inline|Text: Bush address to Congress (complete) - September 21, 2001 by BBC}}
{{Web citation inline|Text: Bush address to Congress - September 21, 2001 by BBC}}
{{Web citation inline|The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule - January 1, 2001 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmitude and Marcionism - 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|The Palestinianization of Europe - April 26, 2007 by Jamie Glazov}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmitude Past and Present: An Invented or Real History? - October 10, 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - 1979 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|The Decline of Eastern Christian Communities in the Modern Middle East - November 11, 1996 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|Jihad and Human Rights Today - July 1, 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmitude and Marcionism - about sharia - 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmi - 2008 by Bill Warner}}
{{Web citation inline|Tears of Jihad - March 3, 2008 by Bill Warner}}
{{Web citation inline|Bill Warner, PhD: Cairo Declaration of Human Rights - August 10, 2014 by Bill Warner}}
{{Web citation inline|Arab Theologians On Jews and Israel - April 11, 2011 by Brian of London}}
{{Web citation inline|Podcast knows Why it is not a Muslim - August 5, 2008 by Brian of London}}
{{Web citation inline|Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad) - Undated by Bukhari}}
{{Web citation inline|Dhimmitude by Weapon of Musical Defense (VIDEO) - January 10, 2015 by creeping}}
{{Web citation inline|Creeping Dhimmitude at the United Nations - October 18, 2007 by David G. Littman}}
{{Web citation inline|Human Rights- Universal or Islamic? - August 25, 2006 by David G. Littman}}
{{Web citation inline|Teaching Hatred in Saudi Arabia and Egypt: The UN Response - October 1, 2004 by David G. Littman}}
{{Web citation inline|The UN is Appeasing Muslims - Again - December 7, 2005 by Fjordman}}
{{Web citation inline|Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry - October 1, 2006 by Fjordman}}
{{Web citation inline|Farewell to the United Nations? - July 28, 2006 by Fjordman}}
{{Web citation inline|Geert Wilders shares Dhimmitude on Twitter - February 13, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{Web citation inline|Twitter share of Mohammed a Biography Great Video - November 5, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{Web citation inline|Great book from Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson Mohammed's Koran - October 23, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{Web citation inline|Challenging the UN's darker side - August 27, 2007 by Hillel C. Neuer}}
{{Web citation inline|Shilling for Sharia at Harvard - March 27, 2008 by Hillel Stavis}}
{{Web citation inline|Weapon of Musical Defense Announces First Album comment - November 27, 2008 by Hugh Fitzgerald}}
{{Web citation inline|Fitzgerald: Second-class citizens? - December 16, 2007 by Hugh Fitzgerald}}
{{Web citation inline|The Roots of Terrorism in Islam: I. Basic Islamic Beliefs - May 14, 2008 by Ibn Kammuna}}
{{Web citation inline|PA grants religious status to suicide terror - November 3, 2006 by Itamar Marcus}}
{{Web citation inline|Lawsuits that Silence - October 25, 2007 by Jamie Glazov}}
{{Web citation inline|Up to 1,000 far-right supporters flock to launch of EDL founder Tommy Robinson's book 'Why Muslims Kill For Islam' - November 3, 2017 by Jane Lavender}}
{{Web citation inline|Criminalizing intolerance - December 12, 2011 by Jonathan Turley}}
{{Web citation inline|U.S. May Cut Off Aid to UN Rights Group - September 8, 2007 by Justin Bergman}}
{{Web citation inline|Hillary Clinton and the OIC and UN HRC 1618 Blasphemy - March 14, 2015 by Justine Thyme}}
... further results

Web Citations as templates to include the whole

{{:Terror must be normal part of life: Al-Qaeda - September 17, 2007 by A Reporter}}
{{:Turkey's president opens OIC summit - April 14, 2016 by Al Jazeera}}
{{:Quran Teaches - Terror - Undated by Ali Sina}}
{{:What is Wrong with Bouchard-Taylor Report - May 26, 2008 by Ali Sina}}
{{:Islam is Terror - March 4, 2008 by Alie Siraj}}
{{:This is what we have to look forward to! - January 8, 2015 by American Bikers United Against Jihad - ABUAJ}}
{{:Islam's Apartheid - September 18, 2006 by Amil Imani}}
{{:British Media Wimp Out Of Printing Charlie Hebdo Front Page - January 13, 2015 by Andre Walker}}
{{:Jihad and Dhimmitude: Victimless Islamic Institutions? - December 3, 2002 by Bat Ye'or, Andrew G. Bostom}}
{{:Sanctioning Human Wrongs - September 7, 2007 by Anne Bayefsky}}
{{:How much does it cost to buy global TV news? APTN case study - May, 2010 by Annonymous}}
{{:How to use the Hans Wehr Dictionary - January 1, 2005 by Arabic Language Lessons}}
{{:Does the Koran's Verse 5:32 Forbid the Killing of Non-Muslims? - January, 2006 by Archi Medes}}
{{:Text: Bush address to Congress (complete) - September 21, 2001 by BBC}}
{{:Text: Bush address to Congress - September 21, 2001 by BBC}}
{{:The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule - January 1, 2001 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:Dhimmitude and Marcionism - 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:The Palestinianization of Europe - April 26, 2007 by Jamie Glazov}}
{{:Dhimmitude Past and Present: An Invented or Real History? - October 10, 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - 1979 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:The Decline of Eastern Christian Communities in the Modern Middle East - November 11, 1996 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:Jihad and Human Rights Today - July 1, 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:Dhimmitude and Marcionism - about sharia - 2002 by Bat Ye'or}}
{{:Dhimmi - 2008 by Bill Warner}}
{{:Tears of Jihad - March 3, 2008 by Bill Warner}}
{{:Bill Warner, PhD: Cairo Declaration of Human Rights - August 10, 2014 by Bill Warner}}
{{:Arab Theologians On Jews and Israel - April 11, 2011 by Brian of London}}
{{:Podcast knows Why it is not a Muslim - August 5, 2008 by Brian of London}}
{{:Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad) - Undated by Bukhari}}
{{:Dhimmitude by Weapon of Musical Defense (VIDEO) - January 10, 2015 by creeping}}
{{:Creeping Dhimmitude at the United Nations - October 18, 2007 by David G. Littman}}
{{:Human Rights- Universal or Islamic? - August 25, 2006 by David G. Littman}}
{{:Teaching Hatred in Saudi Arabia and Egypt: The UN Response - October 1, 2004 by David G. Littman}}
{{:The UN is Appeasing Muslims - Again - December 7, 2005 by Fjordman}}
{{:Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry - October 1, 2006 by Fjordman}}
{{:Farewell to the United Nations? - July 28, 2006 by Fjordman}}
{{:Geert Wilders shares Dhimmitude on Twitter - February 13, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{:Twitter share of Mohammed a Biography Great Video - November 5, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{:Great book from Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson Mohammed's Koran - October 23, 2017 by Geert Wilders}}
{{:Challenging the UN's darker side - August 27, 2007 by Hillel C. Neuer}}
{{:Shilling for Sharia at Harvard - March 27, 2008 by Hillel Stavis}}
{{:Weapon of Musical Defense Announces First Album comment - November 27, 2008 by Hugh Fitzgerald}}
{{:Fitzgerald: Second-class citizens? - December 16, 2007 by Hugh Fitzgerald}}
{{:The Roots of Terrorism in Islam: I. Basic Islamic Beliefs - May 14, 2008 by Ibn Kammuna}}
{{:PA grants religious status to suicide terror - November 3, 2006 by Itamar Marcus}}
{{:Lawsuits that Silence - October 25, 2007 by Jamie Glazov}}
{{:Up to 1,000 far-right supporters flock to launch of EDL founder Tommy Robinson's book 'Why Muslims Kill For Islam' - November 3, 2017 by Jane Lavender}}
{{:Criminalizing intolerance - December 12, 2011 by Jonathan Turley}}
{{:U.S. May Cut Off Aid to UN Rights Group - September 8, 2007 by Justin Bergman}}
{{:Hillary Clinton and the OIC and UN HRC 1618 Blasphemy - March 14, 2015 by Justine Thyme}}
... further results Insert non-formatted text here