
From WMDRock Library
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"Terrorism is just one tactic being used by Islamic extremists in their effort to force their way of life on the rest of the world" - July 8, 2008 by Robert Spencer
"There is nothing in the Qur'an that violates human rights" - May 19, 2007 by Robert Spencer
Another Victory for the 'Stealth Jihad' - November 28, 2008 by Kathy Shaidle
Arab Theologians On Jews and Israel - April 11, 2011 by Brian of London
Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict - 1979 by Bat Ye'or
Behind the scenes of the UN General Assembly - December 18, 2015 by United Nations
Bill Warner, PhD: Cairo Declaration of Human Rights - August 10, 2014 by Bill Warner
British Media Wimp Out Of Printing Charlie Hebdo Front Page - January 13, 2015 by Andre Walker
CAIR rep Omer Subhani exposes Robert Spencer! Part VII - May 20, 2008 by Robert Spencer
Challenging the UN's darker side - August 27, 2007 by Hillel C. Neuer
Creeping Dhimmitude at the United Nations - October 18, 2007 by David G. Littman
Criminalizing intolerance - December 12, 2011 by Jonathan Turley
Death-Defying Feat - October 17, 2006 by Robert Spencer
Dhimmi - 2008 by Bill Warner
Dhimmitude - Is this what you want? - January 1, 2015 by Stop Islamization of the world
Dhimmitude Past and Present: An Invented or Real History? - October 10, 2002 by Bat Ye'or
Dhimmitude and Marcionism - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
Dhimmitude and Marcionism - about sharia - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
Dhimmitude by Weapon of Musical Defense (VIDEO) - January 10, 2015 by creeping
Dhimmitude shared on Facebook by WMDrock - February, 2015 by WMDRock
Does the Koran's Verse 5:32 Forbid the Killing of Non-Muslims? - January, 2006 by Archi Medes
Effective Functioning of Human Rights Mechanisms - March 17, 2003
Enemies of Civilization - Not Churchill’s - August 22, 2011 by Richard Langworth
Facebook share of Mohammed a Biography by WMDRock - November 3, 2017 by WMDRock
Fact or “Islamophobia”? - July 5, 2007 by Robert Spencer
Farewell to the United Nations? - July 28, 2006 by Fjordman
Fitzgerald: Second-class citizens? - December 16, 2007 by Hugh Fitzgerald
Geert Wilders shares Dhimmitude on Twitter - February 13, 2017 by Geert Wilders
Great book from Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson Mohammed's Koran - October 23, 2017 by Geert Wilders
Hillary Clinton and the OIC and UN HRC 1618 Blasphemy - March 14, 2015 by Justine Thyme
How much does it cost to buy global TV news? APTN case study - May, 2010 by Annonymous
How to use the Hans Wehr Dictionary - January 1, 2005 by Arabic Language Lessons
Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry - October 1, 2006 by Fjordman
Human Rights- Universal or Islamic? - August 25, 2006 by David G. Littman
Hundreds of far right supporters gather in Manchester for Tommy Robinson book launch - November 4, 2017 by Ross Logan
Islam is Terror - March 4, 2008 by Alie Siraj
Islam's Apartheid - September 18, 2006 by Amil Imani
Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion - December 2, 2008 by Organisation of The Islamic Conference
Islamic Dictionary for Infidels - July 27, 2006 by Wolfgang Bruno
Islamic Human Rights? - August 16, 2003 by Ohmyrus
Jihad and Dhimmitude: Victimless Islamic Institutions? - December 3, 2002 by Bat Ye'or, Andrew G. Bostom
Jihad and Human Rights Today - July 1, 2002 by Bat Ye'or
Lawsuits that Silence - October 25, 2007 by Jamie Glazov
Manchester police respond to Tommy Robinson book launch claims - November 4, 2017 by Shy Society
Mark Steyn, Dorothy Fields and global conflict Part 2 - August 7, 2006 by Michael Duffy
McCain vs. Muslim Radicals - July 23, 2008 by Robert Spencer
Mohammed a Biography Tommy Robinson just played this in Manchester - November 3, 2017 by WMDRock
More islamic horror for Jan. 7 links 2 – 2015 - January 7, 2015 by Vlad Tepes
NEW VIDEO ON DHIMMITUDE SPOTTED…….! Posted on 08/01/2015 by KGS - January 8, 2015 by KGS
Not a word about the dhimmi laws... - March 17, 2008 by Robert Spencer
... further results

TrackSong TitleTag LinesTimeVideo
1Imagine JihadWhat would happen if your country was conquered by Jihad?12:15https://youtu.be/wk RhGr0yXc
2Mohammed A BiographyIslam uses religion as a weapon in its war to conquer and rule the world.2:51
3The ChoiceJust submit or die.7:12https://youtu.be/1BCMpNRXmnk
4Who Is The OIC?Is this the reincarnation of the Caliphate?4:09https://youtu.be/hRLKjB2RoTM
5PalestineTell me, who is a Palestinian?4:18https://youtu.be/p23TKbmm7Qc
6Peace of Islam (part 2)Mohammed made an offer to the Jews, one they couldn't refuse.4:24https://youtu.be/R6e-I-2iRmQ
7ProtectionWe run a protection racket like the Mafia5:30https://youtu.be/JnjQi0jO0SI
8Religion as a WeaponIslam uses religion as a weapon in its war to conquer and rule the world.0:58https://youtu.be/vMMYn5rofOc
9CanaryAs if Jews are the problem, as if they're the cause.2:44https://youtu.be/0CeoP3XZUcM
10ValuesJudaism is so misrepresented that the essential meaning of the Bible, which is the liberation of man from physical and spiritual slavery is forgotten.5:33https://youtu.be/ fuFj4rZox8

The Album number of Imagine Jihad (part 1) is 1

The Album number of Imagine Jihad (part 2) is 2

The Album number of Not made yet is


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