Putting Koran 9:29 into context - Understanding Muhammed by Ali Sina

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Putting Koran 9:29 into context - Understanding Muhammed by Ali Sina

Publisher:Felibri.com, May 1, 2008
ISBN:978-0980994803 Buy on Amazon

The Law says:
Former Muslim Ali Sina, historian, author, writer on Islam and Muslims puts Koran 9:29 into context.

Extract:Muslims have a very strong us-verses-them mentality. They call all non-Muslims, regardless of faith, kafir, an expressly derogatory term, which means one who blasphemes God. For them, the world is forever divided into Dar al Salam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War). The non-Muslim countries are the House of War. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage jihad in the House of War, and to fight, kill and subdue non-Muslims and convert that land into the House of Peace. Peace, according to Islam, can only be attained by subduing non-Muslims and making them subordinate to Islamic rule. The idea is not so much to convert everyone to Islam but to make Islam dominant. The non-Muslims can continue practicing their religion, but only as dhimmis, a term which means “protected” and is only applied to Christians and Jews. The Christians and the Jews (the people of the book) will be protected, provided they pay the protection tax, known as the jizyah, and feel themselves humiliated and subdued, as stated in the Qur’an.281 If they fail to pay the jizyah, they can be exiled or put to death. This is how the Mafia operates. If you own a business, you could be harassed or even killed, unless you pay them a protection fee to be left alone. As for those unbelievers who are not “protected” (i.e., the pagans, the atheists, the the animists, etc.), they must either convert or be killed.
281Qur’an 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.