Toward a Universal Caliphate

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The Law says:

 Islam uses religion as a weapon in its war, to conquer and rule the world


This song is track 1 on the album Imagine Jihad (part 3). This song has also been split up with two other parts currently separated out: Mohammed A Biography and Religion as a Weapon.

Song lyrics

Toward a Universal Caliphate

Toward a Universal Caliphate
Where man’s fate
Is decided by Allah
A demonic god blackens the
Name of those who find solace in
Prayer in the goodness of God

The Golden Rule

It’s suicidal, its Dhimmitudinal to compare
Allah with God of other
Religions in the world
Allah doesn’t teach
The Golden Rule
Do unto others, as you would have them
Do unto you
Allah commands all mankind
Must submit or be killed let’s not
Deny the awful truth
The awful truth
Submit or die
Allah doesn’t teach
The Golden Rule
Allah doesn’t teach
The Golden Rule
Allah doesn’t teach
Do unto others, as you would have them
The Golden Rule
Do unto you
Allah doesn’t teach
Do unto others, as you would have them
The Golden Rule
Do unto you
Unto you
Unto you
Unto you


There’s duality
In the Koran
Says something good and it’s
Cancelled out by the bad
Good added in deceives believers
To believe, the illusion of
Good deceives infidels who want peace
Want to believe in good
And the parson made it his text that week, and he said likewise,
That a lie which is half, half a truth is ever the blackest of lies,
That a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright,
But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight

The Foundation Of Freedom

I know it sounds crazy
But you’re free to believe in God
Or not, its your choice
‘cause you’re free
But freedom is founded on
Biblical philosophy
The Bible led to
Freedom for men
All born in the Image of God
So all are equal before Him
Equal before the law
The foundation of freedom
Liberty, that’s right
A legacy shared by Jews and Christians
A gift of freedom
From Jerusalem
To the world
Judaism is so misrepresented that the essential meaning
Of the Bible, which is the liberation of man from
Physical and spiritual slavery is
Hardly known
This compares to the Koran
All slaves to Allah
Or slaves
To the Muslim man
To the Muslim man

Mohammed: A Very Brief Biography

Part I: A Political Military Army Commanded by God

I know it sounds crazy
But Islam was created by Mohammed
As a tool to conquer and rule
His own tribe, he unified the Arabs, organized
Muslims into a great Political-Military Army
To wage aggressive wars of conquest, he led,
Commanded by God, he said, to declare
War on all men
Till they accept Allah and Mohammed and
Islam to rule over them
Then he applied his formula to surrounding
Nations and tribes he came he saw he
Conquered he plundered he pillaged he raped
And then he died
He left detailed instructions to his followers and to
All who followed them “use these jihad methods, the
Earth belongs to Allah and Muslims” all
Possessions belong to them how to
Seize control of countries through terror, confusion
Deception, intrigue and war how to conquer through
Invasion by immigration and rule as tyrants
Through Shari’ah law
Through Shari’ah law

Part II: War Machine

The most successful War Machine there’s
Ever been, going strong, fourteen hundred
Going strong
Years of Islamic
Islam is the House of War but
Says it’s the House of Peace
Mohammed taught them well that
“War is deceit”

Part III: Religion as a Weapon

I know it sounds
Crazy but Islam uses
Religion as a weapon in its war to
Conquer and rule the world uses
Religion as a weapon in its war to
Conquer and rule the world uses
Religion as a weapon in its war to
Conquer and rule the world
“To rule the world”
Religion as a weapon in its war to
Conquer and rule the world
“To rule the world
Religion as a weapon in its war to
Conquer and rule the world
“To rule the world”

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