Category:Web Citation
From The WMD Library
Web Citation
This is a list of external articles that are cited by WMD.
Most pages are automatically included in this category.
This category uses the form Web citation.
Pages in category "Web Citation"
The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.
- CAIR rep Omer Subhani exposes Robert Spencer! Part VII - May 20, 2008 by Robert Spencer
- Challenging the UN's darker side - August 27, 2007 by Hillel C. Neuer
- Creeping Dhimmitude at the United Nations - October 18, 2007 by David G. Littman
- Criminalizing intolerance - December 12, 2011 by Jonathan Turley
- Death-Defying Feat - October 17, 2006 by Robert Spencer
- Dhimmi - 2008 by Bill Warner
- Dhimmitude - Is this what you want? - January 1, 2015 by Stop Islamization of the world
- Dhimmitude and Marcionism - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude and Marcionism - about sharia - 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude by Weapon of Musical Defense (VIDEO) - January 10, 2015 by creeping
- Dhimmitude Past and Present: An Invented or Real History? - October 10, 2002 by Bat Ye'or
- Dhimmitude shared on Facebook by WMDrock - February, 2015 by WMDRock
- Does the Koran's Verse 5:32 Forbid the Killing of Non-Muslims? - January, 2006 by Archi Medes
- Hillary Clinton and the OIC and UN HRC 1618 Blasphemy - March 14, 2015 by Justine Thyme
- How much does it cost to buy global TV news? APTN case study - May, 2010 by Annonymous
- How to use the Hans Wehr Dictionary - January 1, 2005 by Arabic Language Lessons
- Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry - October 1, 2006 by Fjordman
- Human Rights- Universal or Islamic? - August 25, 2006 by David G. Littman
- Hundreds of far right supporters gather in Manchester for Tommy Robinson book launch - November 4, 2017 by Ross Logan
- Islam is Terror - March 4, 2008 by Alie Siraj
- Islam's Apartheid - September 18, 2006 by Amil Imani
- Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance and compassion - December 2, 2008 by Organisation of The Islamic Conference
- Islamic Dictionary for Infidels - July 27, 2006 by Wolfgang Bruno
- Islamic Human Rights? - August 16, 2003 by Ohmyrus
- Manchester police respond to Tommy Robinson book launch claims - November 4, 2017 by Shy Society
- Mark Steyn, Dorothy Fields and global conflict Part 2 - August 7, 2006 by Michael Duffy
- McCain vs. Muslim Radicals - July 23, 2008 by Robert Spencer
- Mohammed a Biography Tommy Robinson just played this in Manchester - November 3, 2017 by WMDRock
- More islamic horror for Jan. 7 links 2 – 2015 - January 7, 2015 by Vlad Tepes
- Teaching Hatred in Saudi Arabia and Egypt: The UN Response - October 1, 2004 by David G. Littman
- Tears of Jihad - March 3, 2008 by Bill Warner
- Teaser from Weapon of Musical Defense’s video…… - July 25, 2017 by KGS
- Terror must be normal part of life: Al-Qaeda - September 17, 2007 by A Reporter
- Text: Bush address to Congress (complete) - September 21, 2001 by BBC
- Text: Bush address to Congress - September 21, 2001 by BBC
- The Decline of Eastern Christian Communities in the Modern Middle East - November 11, 1996 by Bat Ye'or
- The Jizyah Tax: Equality And Dignity Under Islamic Law? - Undated by Walter Short
- The Myths of Islam - April 27, 2008 by The Religion of Peace
- THE OIC….WHO ARE YOU, WHO WHO, WHO WHO, I REALLY WANNA KNOW…….?! - April 10, 2016 by Tundra Tabloids
- The Palestinianization of Europe - April 26, 2007 by Jamie Glazov
- The Roots of Terrorism in Islam: I. Basic Islamic Beliefs - May 14, 2008 by Ibn Kammuna
- The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule - January 1, 2001 by Bat Ye'or
- The UN is Appeasing Muslims - Again - December 7, 2005 by Fjordman
- The UN: An International Menace - April 11, 2006 by Pedro Sanjuan
- There’s No Such Thing as Islamophobia - September 2017 by Pascal Bruckner
- This is what we have to look forward to! - January 8, 2015 by American Bikers United Against Jihad - ABUAJ
- Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad) - Undated by Bukhari
- Turkey's president opens OIC summit - April 14, 2016 by Al Jazeera
- Twitter share of Mohammed a Biography Great Video - November 5, 2017 by Geert Wilders
- Weapon of Musical Defense Announces First Album comment - November 27, 2008 by Hugh Fitzgerald
- Template:Web citation cat
- What is Wrong with Bouchard-Taylor Report - May 26, 2008 by Ali Sina
- Wir haben hier ein Video für Sie, Frau Merkel! - January 13, 2015 by PI
- Women Against Shariah definition of Shariah - March 8, 2008 by Women Against Shariah